YEP_BXL Session with Zita Csoka
Mon, Mar 04
|CEZ Office
YEP_BXL are meeting again! This time we will host Ms Zita Csoka from DG ENER, who will give us a presentation on the currently discussed Sustainable finance topic!

Time & Location
Mar 04, 2019, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
CEZ Office, Jacques de Lalaingstraat 4A, 1000 Brussel, Belgium
About the event
Dear Young Energy Professionals,
It is our pleasure to invite you to the next YEP session where we will welcome our guest speaker from DG ENER, Ms Zita Csoka, who will give us a presentation on the currently discussed sustainable finance package.
Zita Csoka is a policy analyst in DG Energy, working for the unit of Economic Analysis and Financial Instruments. She has been the main representative of DG Energy in the European Commission’s recent initiative on Sustainable Finance. She was an observer to the High-level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, has participated in preparing the Commission’s Action Plan on Sustainable Finance along with the relating package of legislative proposals and is a member of the Secretariat of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance. She comes from an energy regulatory background having worked on natural gas transmission regulation and market integration. She holds degrees in International Business, Security Studies and Energy Economics.
The meeting will take place at CEZ offices on Monday, 4th of March, rue Jacques de Lalaing 4. Please arrive at 16:45 so that we can start at 17:00 sharp. As always, informal drinks at Place Lux will follow. Please, book your seat as soon as possible as the capacity of the room is limited. The meeting is open to the YEP_BXL members only, our subscribers, however, are invited to join us later for the drinks.
Too, we would like to announce some changes in our organizing team. As you probably know, one of our founders - Miles French has decided to return to London for a new challenge (Thank you for everything Miles and good luck!). However, the second founder, Daniel Měsíc remains in the role of the president of the YEP_BXL and from now on he will be supported by Henning Twickler and Philip Thies as the new vice-chairs. These two gentlemen have always belonged to the most active members and they will definitely contribute to lift the YEP_BXL initiative to the next level!
Stay tuned for for YEP_BXL updates!
Daniel & Henning & Philip